Thursday, September 27, 2012

It's Harry with a B.

After weeks and weeks of obsessing about The Casual Vacancy by JK Rowling, I finally got my mitts on my preordered copy.

And lemme just say, JKR wasn't kidding when she said this was a novel for adults.

So much swearing. Oh the swearing. Like music to my ears. Ha!

I'm barely three chapters in but I have to say that I am enthralled. JKR's clever wit practically jumps out from the pages and bitchslaps you whilst yelling, "You're not in Hogwarts anymore, numpty!"

Already, I find myself emotionally invested and rooting for certain characters.

I'll be more coherent next time. Pagford awaits.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Classified: Mission Project Bliss

Yeah, I need to work on my titles but that's for another day. Today's post is about my new book - The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin.

Going to see if this book helps me de-snark my crotchety self.

And yes, I need to post my book reviews soon!

Saturday, July 14, 2012


Nope, this is NOT a review. I haven't started reading it yet BUT I really want to share the photo I took of my new book.

Here you go. *pats self on the back*

Monday, July 2, 2012

Ready Player One : Level One

After being nagged to death by five people about how I should RIGHT AWAY start reading this book, I finally broke down and dove right in.

I was in the middle of another book, you see and I wanted to finish it first but I am a wuss so here we are.

To be honest, I wasn't really sure I was going to like this book. I wasn't a gamer at all. I only ever won on Tekken and half the time I had no idea what the heck I was doing. From the title alone I was pretty sure I was going to get overwhelmed by unfamiliar gaming references.


Let me tell you this, gamer or not, the moment you start reading, you are going to be hooked. You are going to read nonstop and you are going to love every single word.

The Huffington Post calls it "The grown-up's Harry Potter" and by golly it is. And I'm only a few chapters in!

Already I am finding myself itching to find Halliday's Easter Egg within OASIS. I am torn between wanting to get my mitts on every game thus far mentioned to find these hidden nuggets of coding gold and needing to finish the book.

Oh and the amazing 80s references! Suffice it to say, my playlist is now slowly filling up with songs from the book.

Ready Player One is proving to be an amazing read. I am glad I wussed out and started reading it!

Well? Are you going to go get started on it now or do I have to nag you to death too?

And the journey continues.

I have been of two minds about creating another blog.  As it is, I have way too many and most of them are sadly abandoned, forgotten... dead.  Some have memories that are far too painful to revisit but immeasurably precious to completely purge.  So... here's to a new beginning.  

Little Red Writing Nook is going to be all about books that I've read, books that I look forward to reading and my off the cuff, honest thoughts about each and every single one.

I hope that when you find my little corner, you'll want to pull up a chair, wrap yourself in your most comfortable blanket and read with me.  Just, read with me.